But cases where wrong policies conceived by a regime The case below is related to economic policy which deprived the citizens of decades of opportunities to excel in business operation The case in point is India which is clearly explicated by Gurcharand Das in India
Along the same line of reasoning and logic, a society which was run by a non-
Democratic system denied its citizens to exercise their freedom of expression hence
Depriving them of the opportunity to voice their opinions and express their ideas to
Contribute toward development of a liberal political system or a democracy. This is
Tantamount to depriving the people of their free will and free spirit. Such a system
Denied its citizens rights and freedom and human dignity. It destroys the chance of
Political development imperative for operation in this era of globalization The lesson of
India described above should be heeded by those who are democratic at heart to draw a
Parallel observation. This type of regime will create pent-up frustration which very
Likely to break the socio-political fabric at the seams. The dangerous point is, such a
System if left unchecked or not correctly and timely rectified, may turn the situation to a
Crisis and turmoil with the possibility of breaking up the society to smithereens.