2.2. Goals of the Agreement
The overall objective of this Agreement was to incorporate
cleaner production measures and cleaner technologies for frozen
fish producers of the Biobio region, in order to increase production
efficiency, to reduce pollution at source, to improve the management
of industrial wastewaters and solid (hazardous and nonhazardous)
waste, and to incorporate upgrading and recycling in all
processes. Additionally, it promotes the implementation of good
working practices, mainly aiming to decrease water and energy
Specific objectives of this agreement were: (1) to reduce
pollution of wastewaters by rationalizing water consumption in the
processes and meeting the standards set by Chilean normative
bodies, (2) to reduce the negative environmental impacts that can
be caused by industrial solid wastes generated by the activity, (3) to
implement management systems with cleaner production options
and waste valorization alternatives, and (4) to implement
a preventive management system to reduce occupational diseases
and other risks to the labor force.