jungyeop says in this interview that the reason the units/solos exist is so the members will have long-term plans and are able to stay in the industry as long as possible. if you read through the whole thing, he also states infinite f never had plans for a korean debut and “heartbeat” was only going to be released as an ost for hi school love on. why did they have to promote a song used for an ost for their japanese promotions? promos which consisted of a few showcases and a show. korean promos? two weeks and they only attended three out of the seven music shows. sunggyu, h, and toheart all had two music videos while f got two music videos of the same exact song, just in a different language. sunggyu, h, and toheart had a decent amount of time for promotions. sunggyu, h, and toheart got an actual mini-album. during infinite effect, sungyeol asked the audience if they were bored with “heartbeat” since they keep performing it (just a reminder that it was the special stage for ogsr, which was 17 months ago). when they said no, he said they needed to say yes so f can release another album and get to promote something new, as that’s the only way they could’ve had a new song. if these units and solos exist so the boys can stay in the industry as long as possible, how are these half-assed promotions for f going to help any? how is anyone but h and sunggyu benefiting from this? let’s not even get into the fact that woohyun, despite asking for years and being one of the main vocals, still has yet to be given a solo when his supposed equal has had two already. all he’s gotten are a handful of self-composed songs on albums here and there and some osts.