The new horror film Hashima Project is a ghost story with a difference. Set in the creepy abandoned city on Hashima Island, or Ghost Island near Nagasaki in Japan, Hashima Project is about five young people who travel to the island to film a reality TV show called Ghost Land.
Starring in the film is former Golf-Mike pop idol Pirat Nittipaisalkul (Mike), who plays a photographer named Nick. The 23-year-old singer and actor was recently named most popular actor at the Mekkala Awards for his role in the drama Likit Fah Chata Din (Destiny). He was also praised by critics and viewers alike for his lead role in the high-rating soap opera, Rak Boon (Wish Box).
Student Weekly recently met up with Mike at the M39 office to ask him about starring in his first ghost movie.
Student Weekly: Is it true that you once gave the finger to a ghost that you saw?
Mike: Yes. It was a day when I felt really fatigued. When I was about to fall sleep, I saw a woman in white dress at the end of my bed. A back-up dancer once advised me to stick my middle finger up if I ever saw a ghost, so I tried it. But the woman just walked toward me and tried to put my hand down. It was really spooky. I’ll never do that again!