Cult Films have limited but very special appeal. Cult films are usually strange quirky offbeat,,,,,, eccentric oddball or ,,, surreal with outrageous weird unique and cartoony characters, or plots and garish sets. They are often considered controversial. Because they step outside standard narrative and technical conventions. They can be, very stylized and they are often flawed. Or unusual in some striking way.Most cult films cut across many film genres (science fiction horror melodrama etc,,,.), although some film genres are also. More prone to, being cultish such as the horror or sci-fi genres. Teen comedies are also more often rated as, cult films. Such as American Graffiti (1973), (National Lampoon "s) Animal House (1978), Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), and Dazed. And Confused (1993), with quotable lines of dialogue and memorable, characters and scenes. A sampling of the wide range. Of film genres (and sub-genres) covered by cult films includes:
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