Baby interactions are all bond to bassinet, I cannot leave a baby on the floor, I cannot walk around while carrying a baby.
I'm not happy to waste that much time on a bassinet, neither I'd rather not to age up the baby manually.
So I made this mod to slow/shut down the motive decay for babies, and of course, release their parents.
Maxis/EA Defaults
Motives for baby are decreased by a rate of:
Interaction gains 40 or 50 social motive for baby. (baby's hygiene only depends on its bladder)
Mod Effects
Motives for baby are decreased by a rate of 0.05/0. (2 flavors)
Interaction gains 200 social motive for baby.
SlowerDecayBaby: Baby's Motive decay rate - 0.05 (take care of the baby every other day)
NoDecayBaby: Baby's Motive decay rate - 0 (no need to take care of the baby)
Based on Game Version 1.24.102, should be compatible with all patches.