Electron microscopy of B. amyloliquefaciens FZB42, colonizing maize and Lemna plants. (A) Transmission electron microscopy, TEM, of FZB42 colonizing maize root.
The image was taken from a cross section around 5 cm distant from the root base. (B and C) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of FZB42 colonizing maize roots, (D) SEM
of FZB42 colonizing maize root hair. Maize images (A–D) were taken eight days after bacterial inoculation. (E and F) SEM of FZB42 colonizing Lemna root surface. (G and H)
SEM of FZB42 cells colonizing the ventral side of Lemna fronds. The images from Lemna roots and fronds, respectively, were taken four (E and F) or nine days (G and H) after
adding the bacteria. For further explanations see text.