muddy suspension having dispersedfine particles with little
resistance to water flow, and to compaction of subsoil due to
machinery used for tillage, forming a plough pan with a high bulk
density (Singh, 2011). Soil puddlability as a measure of susceptibility
of soil to puddling was defined as the change in apparent specific
volume of soil per unit work extended in causing such change
(Bodman and Rubin,1948). Because it is difficult to define the work in
thefield, soil puddlability is often measured after puddling as the
amount of dispersed aggregates and particles (Sharma and Bhushan,
muddy suspension having dispersedfine particles with little
resistance to water flow, and to compaction of subsoil due to
machinery used for tillage, forming a plough pan with a high bulk
density (Singh, 2011). Soil puddlability as a measure of susceptibility
of soil to puddling was defined as the change in apparent specific
volume of soil per unit work extended in causing such change
(Bodman and Rubin,1948). Because it is difficult to define the work in
thefield, soil puddlability is often measured after puddling as the
amount of dispersed aggregates and particles (Sharma and Bhushan,
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