All NRMP were video-recorded by the first author, to be used as stimulated recall during the interviews. After the NRMP were completed, the time and location for the interviews was chosen by the nurses and took place individually at the nurses’ workplace, directly connected to NRMP or in the days after. The interviews began with an opening question “Would you like to tell me about your experience supporting children during NRMP?” Follow-up questions such as “Can you tell me more?” and “How do you mean?” were then asked. The aim of this type of questions was to encourage in-depth reflection and to gain descriptions of the variations in the experiences of supporting children during NRMP. This means that in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, the nurses began to describe the specific procedure and then talked more generally about their experiences of supporting children during NRMP. The video-recording from the NRMP was shown in order to further increase the opportunity for reflection. All the interviews were recorded on a MP3 player and were transcribed verbatim by the first author. The mean time for the interviews was 29 min (range 9–55 min) and for the video-recordings from the NRMP 11 min (range 4–30 min).