I first met Mrs. Nuttanan Theephutha in person when I went to Thailand on December 8th 2013 and have since built a very strong relationship with her. We keep in contact every day via Line (mobile app) and also Skype. I would like to invite Mrs. Nuttanan Theephutha passport number AA3515443 date from 30 JUN 2014 to 29 JUN 2019. To stay with me and my family for 3 months so that she can meet all my family and friends and enjoy Christmas with us also in my family home also. I would love the opportunity to show Mrs. Nuttanan Theephutha many beautiful places in the UK as.
She has never been outside of Thailand before, plus I feel that 3 months would be a good amount of time for our relationship to grow as we intend to spend the future together as a couple in a loving relationship. During her stay in the UK I will bear all responsibilities including but not limited to financial responsibilities, return air ticket fare to travel from Thailand to the UK and back plus all other travel expenses, also medical insurance, housing and food plus any other expenses of which she may need, she will be staying in my family home with me and my parents of which she will be made to feel very welcome also of which is at the above address. During her stay here she will also get an opportunity to see and experience the western culture and meet many different kinds of people and also to try a variety of different types of food plus also to go and see many different places of which.
I have told her about and her as expressed that she would love to have the chance to see. We would be so very grateful if you could please provide/issue her a visa for this coming visit during November 2014 to February 2015. If Mrs. Nuttanan Theephutha is successful in her visa application we can guarantee that all visa rules will be keep to as we do not want to jeopardise any future visa applications. I am very grateful for your prompt attention to this matter, also with this sponsorship letter.
I will provide an introduction letter or our relationship also all required documents plus a letter of invitation from my parents plus photos of our family home.
Thank you very much for your time