In a first coaching session, major goals and potential sub-goals will be defined and fine-tuned. Objectives
will be related to professional AND personal goals, as the success of an executive is significantly
correlated to the personal well-being of the client as well. In all subsequent sessions, strategies and action
items will be formulated to reach the goals in a given timeframe. The sessions would include
“homework” adapted to Beam’s workload. Accordingly, he is expected to be resourceful and take
responsibility for doing the work to achieve the desired results. As a coach and professional, I am
committed and will do my outmost in supporting Beam’s goals.
I commit to keep anything shared by the Client strictly confidential. Save and except with the written
consent of the Client, nothing discussed in coaching shall be disclosed, divulged or disseminated to any
third party, or used for any purposes other than coaching under this contract. This obligation shall survive
the termination of this contract but will not apply to anything said by Beam suggesting he might harm
himself or others or KitchenUp.
Any conflict of interest will be discussed and resolved with Beam’s best interests in mind. If a conflict
arises, I will identify it and attempt to resolve it with him. If I cannot serve Beam objectively or
respectfully, I will terminate this agreement. Beam is expected to provide constructive feedback about the
quality and usefulness of the coaching, and be forthright about a desire to restructure or terminate the
coaching. In case of early termination of the agreement (prior to the agreed number of sessions), I will –
in case of recognized down payments – refund the unclaimed hours.
Sessions will typically last for 60 minutes. The sessions will begin and end on time, unless Beam and I
have both agreed prior to the start of a session to extend that session.
Generally, Beam and I will meet face to face (office UTC II Bldg or my place). Other forms of meetings
could be arranged (Skype). I am aware of Beam’s intense business and extensive schedule. Sessions could
be adapted to Beam’s calendar. From experience, I would suggest 2 sessions per month in the beginning
and depending on progress and schedule this could be reduced to 1 session per month. In total 10 sessions
are recommended, with the flexibility to extend the coaching by additional sessions.
If Beam needs to cancel an appointment; he must do so at least 24 hours prior to the coaching session or
will be required to pay for the session. I will likewise give Beam at least 24-hour notice of change or
reschedule prior to any session.
This contract is for 5 hours of executive coaching. The hourly rate will be 8000 THB. This coaching
agreement also includes access to me between sessions by email/phone/skype as needed (24/7). Payment
is due after the last session taken (5th session). All payment shall be made by bank transfer. The contract
will be a continuation of the previous contract (September 29, 2015) according to Beam’s schedule.