Let us consider a scenario where the hotel booking is cancelled a day before check-in date. The entry point is from the Home screen to select cancel booking and the option is loaded. When the screen loads, the hotel’s cancellation policy will be displayed and the user will be required to scan finger print and enter receipt number of the booking to be cancelled. User is reminded once more what the hotels policy is on towards cancellation. The user will enter the receipt number that was issued when booking was completed and to scan there finger print to ensure no one tampers with the system as shown in Fig. 10. When the user submits the cancellation policy screen, the Trusted Third party (TTP) will be triggered into action where the hotel will be verified once the user chooses to continue. The Security Agent (SA) is responsible for communicating with the third party entity. The Trusted Third Party (TTP) being used is VeriSign. The finger print and receipt number that was acquired in the first step will be processed for verification with the server by the Card Agent (CA) via the Security Agent (SA) as shown in Fig. 11. The amount being used in the activity i.e. deemed to be charged would be supplied by the Central Database Agent (CDA) for the Booking Agent (BA) to be forwarded to the Card Agent (CA) to be deducted from the client’s account as shown in Fig. 12. When process is successful “Approved” is displayed or “declined” when failed. After which when the user clicks continue, the Security Agent (SA) will notify the Booking Agent (BA) of the results which in turn update the Central Database Agent (CDA) and Hotel Agent (HA) that will carry out the necessary changes to the databases. The user is then updated on the mobile device by the Booking Agent (BA) as shown below in Fig. 13 about the status of his/her booking cancellation. This completes cancellation. Hotel policy is being enforced where a person is charged for one night’s stay for cancelling a day before check-in date. In case the guest have cancelled well in advanced adhering to hotel cancellation, the amount will not be charged from the user as shown in Fig. 14