1. Per below mail from Khun Daranee, When is the due date, how long to extend, and can we do it ourselves?
We should have combined new and old system mid of January2015; however, there were some issues with that the import and export figure do not reflect the right projects. So that we then use K. Daranee to support.
K. Triroj and I have checked with IC in January which we received answer from IC “we do not need to issue extended letter to combine new and old system together because the system do not allow us to return max stock unless we combine them”
K. Triroj will check with IC again today to confirm whether we need to issue extended letter to IC or not.
In case that we need to issues such letter, we could do it by ourselves. I will reply to your about the answer from IC by this afternoon.
2. How about the combine Max stock, did we have the all require document in place? Can we submit the request early next week?
I have prepared data to combine – if the process under khun Daranee is approved, we could submit then.