„Qing Shui, how I felt that this person is silly.” Shen Huang said toward Qing Shui with a smile.
„It is not the feeling, this is silly ~ compels, big silly X.” Qing Shui very earnest saying.
Shen Huang horizontal Qing Shui, this words said was too uncouthly, but very much dispels anger, the words that before that two fellows spoke she naturally also heard, this brothers two were the bastards, the bastard was inferior.
Qing Shui hey smiles: „Did not scold them, was really uncomfortable.”
Huo Yun stares, then has gotten angry, only then he scolded others silly ~ compelled, has not thought that one day was scolded silly ~ compelled, these two people died to being imminent also such act recklessly, he smiled is looking at Qing Shui, but in the look of that smile killed intent to be agitated: „Boy, you are court death.”
„Your this silly ~ compels also to kill me, you are one silly ~ compels, thinks really own that jack of all trades time, depends the family work, several fellows of flattering praised your two not to know own first many were big, do the two men of your side were do, was not protects your this silly ~ compelled, thinks really one were great, you were one super greatly silly ~ compelled.” Qing Shui hey said with a smile.
Huo Yun soon exploded with rage, was said all of a sudden several silly ~ compels, finally is super greatly silly ~ compels, said a oneself point at heart is not feeling well, although he is also exceptional, but if no Huo Mansion he also to really be anything is not.
„You are greatly silly ~ compels, the luck is the strength, has a good family background is the strength.” Rebuttal that Huo Yun disdains.
„Yes, therefore said that the silly person has the silly luck.” Qing Shui ha-ha said with a smile.
„Crap, am I a fool?” Huo Yun soon the violent walked.
„You are not a fool, you compared with fool, but does not have the fool to have the good fortune, therefore you must have bad luck today.” Qing Shui disdains looked at the opposite party to be the same, the look of that loathing made the Huo Yun violent walk directly.
„Crap, you die! You are any thing also dare to ridicule me.”
Huo Yun puts out a garnet long sword to turn toward Qing Shui to kill directly.
The speed is quick, this is a lava sword, this is in the fire with lava forges, has the formidable hot attribute energy, Qing Shui has swept the Huo Mansion person, knows that fire majors is the fire is cultivation technique.
The hot attribute is wild, rich striking power, is in Five Elements attacks wild.
The red long sword belt a red halo, the sword point was being spouts three feet strength arrogance, the vitality stimulation of movement has been the fearful high temperature directly, had the formidable broken against function.
Qing Shui looks long sword that the enemy attacks has smiled, plays with fire before him really courts death, he can neglect 70% flame injuries, direct Dragon Seizing Hand in the past.
Saw that Qing Shui unarmed keeps off own long sword, Huo Yun shouts angrily: „Courts death!”
Then inconceivable appeared, Qing Shui firmly held the Huo Yun long sword, by the Qing Shui present boundary, does not need Dragon Seizing Hand to hold with ease, even if were Qing Shui has neglected 70% flame injuries, the long sword in feeling hand was very as before scalding hot, but also was scalding hot, achieved to scald Qing Shui unable to achieve continually.