British biochemist Peter Josling has developed a breakthrough method to extract the viral-bacterial killing substance from Garlic called Allicin and stabilize it in a revolutionary, powerhouse supplement called Allicin C. This amazing new natural tool is now even being used in some British hospitals to successfully treat MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant conditions. Allicin C and AlliDerm (the gel form for external use, can also address infections such as those rampant in the Gulf of Mexico region communities plagued since the Macondo oil well explosion in April 2010. Allicin C is the only thing that will kill staph skin lesions/infections like MRSA EVERY TIME. In fact, every batch of Allicin C is tested on MRSA before it is shipped to the US. Furthermore, when a bacteria, virus, mold yeast or fungus is involved with cancer, as is often the case, scientist Peter Josling says results with Allicin C have also been very encouraging. Allicin C is perhaps the most significant advancement in the history of all natural antimicrobial protocols, according to Jeff Rense.