As a sustainable and energy-efficient method for wastewater
treatment, many researchers have investigated the nitrogen and
phosphorus removal capacities of water spinach in aquaculture
wastewater remediation (Zheng et al., 2013). These results showed
that not only water spinach itself was directly responsible for
fraction of the overall nitrogen and phosphorus removal, but also
non-plant related components, such as nitrification/denitrification,
NH3-volatilization, N-fixation and nutrient uptake by algae, bacteria,
or mosquito larva, could play parts of roles in the nutrient
removal in such system (Zimmo et al., 2004). Most of research on
aquaculture wastewater treatment has focused at laboratory level
and such results cannot be directly implemented on large water
As a sustainable and energy-efficient method for wastewatertreatment, many researchers have investigated the nitrogen andphosphorus removal capacities of water spinach in aquaculturewastewater remediation (Zheng et al., 2013). These results showedthat not only water spinach itself was directly responsible forfraction of the overall nitrogen and phosphorus removal, but alsonon-plant related components, such as nitrification/denitrification,NH3-volatilization, N-fixation and nutrient uptake by algae, bacteria,or mosquito larva, could play parts of roles in the nutrientremoval in such system (Zimmo et al., 2004). Most of research onaquaculture wastewater treatment has focused at laboratory leveland such results cannot be directly implemented on large waterbodies.
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