After casting one footing on 16th of August 2016 line G-1.
Today 18th of August 2016 - requested to cast concrete by stationary concrete pump on footings - not indicated
All things ready - start casting 11:00 on footing F-1A Line A-5
11:45 start to cast on footing F-1A line A-3 the form-work broke they remedy it as recommended
then the problem start the pipeline blocked, they have to clean the block pipe. Some of the concrete spill on ground they scoop it up and put in footing on my protest but they did took heed on my protest , keep on doing it.
then they turn on footing F-1A line A-4 try to use concrete pump for half an hour until I suggested to them to use chute since it is right in front.
Why am I have make decision for them it must come from PTG
I was so disgussed with their performance on casting concrete, i do not think that their workers (army) know what to do on certain situation.