3. Define the number of cases per page by clicking on "No.of Cases per Page".
4. Filter information by clicking on any of the column headers-can use partial numbers by using the "%" wildcard.
5. Click on "Clear Filters" for unfiltered information.
6. Click on "Refresh Counts" to refresh the information,when filters are cleared.
7. Click on any GSP PO# to retrieve detailed information of the PO.
8. The colors indicate if the request is on time. The process step is required to complete within 2 work days (16 working hours). Within 8 hours after request case opens to handler (green),within 8-16 hours, due today (yellow) and overdue if in has passed 2 work days (red).
9. Select requests by ticking the boxes, to select all, click the box at the header (Requests selected must be in same process step and same request type).
10. Click on "Submit" to act on request.