To rebar the concrete samples, carbon steel rebars were cut in two sizes. Length of the
rebars for the samples to be tested electrochemically was kept 25 cm while for
destructive tests it was 15 cm. Diameter of rebars of both the tests was 14 mm. Rebars
were cut with the silicon carbide cutting wheel. Cutting speed was kept minimum and
cutting site was cooled properly to avoid heat generation which may affect the
microstructure of the steel and consequently corrosion behavior may change. Rebar
pieces were machined, polished, washed with ethyl alcohol, dried and weighed. After
weighing, 2.5 cm long portion at both ends were coated with coal tar epoxy. In case of
specimens to be tested electrochemically, 2.5 cm portion at the bottom and 12.5 cm
from the top of the rebar was coated. The ends of the rebars were coated in order to
keep the distance of exposed portion (10 cm long) of the rebar (inside the concrete)
equal from the outer surface of the concrete specimen. Rebars coated at the ends were
weighed again and fixed in the center of the moulds with the help of clamps provided at
both ends of the mould and concrete mixes were casted in