characteristic prevailed in the past and certaunly obvious in the present. Only with the continue to conserve these unique characteristic will. The Thai cuisine be classified one of cultural trait historically revealing the long and uninterrupted heritage reflective of the long standing independence of the Thai kingdom.
Being a countries of high agricultural potential. Thailand is remarkable for its wealth of cooking ingredients, which render nutritious dishes of diverse deliciouness. As it is currently accepted that herbal ingredients of Thai food provide great nutritional benefit for health, the popularity of Thai food has become rapidly more extensive. As a consequence, the daily life of the people who enjoy Thai food has automatically adjusted to be consistent with the natural way of living and the environment.
One aspect of our culture, reflected in our lifestyle from acient time to today’s society has been preperation, presentation and enjoyment of Thai food. Thai food has taken its role side be side with other tourium resource in the promation of Thai culture for tourism.
2.Classification of Thai Food
Thai cuisine is practically the only National cuisine uniquely featured in a characteristic combination of dishes (Sum Rub) commonly a “set” each set is equally compose of different varieties of dishes suitable for all preference of taste. The main purpose, hower, remains to provide nutritional and economical meals for all ages genders and activity group.
Classification of Thai Food it can be classified to 4 types :
1. Rice or Glutinous rice
2. Side Dishes
3. Desserts
4. One – Plate Dish