The synergistic effect of combining morphological and molec-ular data is well illustrated by the taxonomy of two large families,Nymphalidae and Hesperiidae. The latter case is particularly illu-minating as the authors (Warren et al., 2008, 2009) analysed(almost) the same set of taxa with molecules only and with morphological characters added. This addition of morphological characters had a profound effect on the position of some taxa,showing that molecules on their own not necessarily lead to a robust phylogeny. The addition of new characters, be they morphological, molecular or otherwise may be indispensable for a robust result. Of course, the synergistic effect works both ways. It is worth remembering that when morphology was analysed alone,Heikkilä et al. (2012) did not recover the family level relationships discussed here. Only the addition of molecules enabled them to reach a well-supported result.