Cugz Arui
second i begun hearing my mind made an expirience for me cool :)
2 years ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
nice ;)
2 years ago•
Canal Nerdei
Very awesome! I'm a brain wave addicted since i was 15yo, and now with 24, I know it helped me. And i felt so good when e listened to this beat! Congs! I felt peaceful, and I reaaly want to improve ma mind every day, and this is a good way! And singing while listening is incredible!!!
4 months ago•1
+Canal Nerdei do you think the benefits last a lot longer when not listening to the brainwave entrancement? interesting, that's a really long time you've been listening to them! cool :) if there's anything more you'd like to share about your experience with them I'd be really interested to hear it! thanks
3 weeks ago•
Eisa Shelton
Awesome, thanks I'll Facebook it too!
4 weeks ago•
this has been helping me with my anxiety...nothing else seems to help and I am not going to use anti depressants
7 months ago•4
+RocketeerAndRoll While I do recognize that every person is different so experiences may vary tremendously, I suffer from anxiety as well and even panic disorder, so I wanted to share my experience(s) with you because, well, who knows? Maybe they can help! =) So, during my "research" into sound healing and the benefits of binaural beats, isochronic tones, etc. I've read time and time again that the gamma frequencies(as in this particular clip) are supposedly related to anxiety and panic disorders, as in, anxious people like you and I typically have a lot more gamma activity in the brain than your average person who does not suffer from these disorders. Because of this, beta and alpha frequencies may offer you more help with your anxiety than the gamma, I recommend trying those out =) Theta is good for meditation(self awareness/inquiry goes a LONG way IME; it's indispensable for those who want to get healthy, especially if you are not currently undergoing any type of counselling, therapy, etc.). Delta frequencies can help put you to sleep during times when your mind is racing, etc. and insomnia takes over. They really are fantastic! I hope this helps a little =) Good luck and take care!
5 months ago•1
Olavo Oisi (Outwish)
Funny fact about this is that I accidentally slept while listening/meditating to this, and I had a very crazy dream, and after waking up I felt something strange happening to my brain and I somehow felt that my reaction time to everything was kinda a lot faster lol
10 months ago•9
Clay Roscoe Claus
I encourage you good people to sing while listening to binaural beats and isochronic tones, as this will allow you to vary the frequency produced in your mind, allowing you to produce the desired experience. Life is precious. We must pray and mediate often to find the light in our souls. I love you all.
1 year ago•14
Lazaros Vasiliadis
i can do this without singing
5 days ago•
+Clay Roscoe Claus Agreed! Also, chanting and/or humming is seemingly just as useful; it definitely deepens and varies the experience(for me, anyways!).
5 months ago•1
Jihad Gentiledick
love you too
1 year ago•
Dan Opdyke
I actually stated having a conversation with my subconscious mind. This is an excellent tool for connecting to the subconscious mind at a conscious level similar to lucid dreaming.
11 months ago•2
My cat is purring as we listen to this, Binaurals are good for our furbabies too, it would seem.
8 months ago•
Kaxin Wong
Sorry,i would like to ask you, this music will be cause damage to our brain?thank u.
9 months ago•
travis hollsten
I thought it was necessary for the isolated ear to perceive pulsation
1 year ago•
awesome, thanks for the elaborate info :)
Cugz Aruisecond i begun hearing my mind made an expirience for me cool :)2 years ago•Slavenc Mbylnice ;)2 years ago•Canal NerdeiVery awesome! I'm a brain wave addicted since i was 15yo, and now with 24, I know it helped me. And i felt so good when e listened to this beat! Congs! I felt peaceful, and I reaaly want to improve ma mind every day, and this is a good way! And singing while listening is incredible!!!4 months ago•1NE0Nwhip+Canal Nerdei do you think the benefits last a lot longer when not listening to the brainwave entrancement? interesting, that's a really long time you've been listening to them! cool :) if there's anything more you'd like to share about your experience with them I'd be really interested to hear it! thanks3 weeks ago•Eisa SheltonAwesome, thanks I'll Facebook it too!4 weeks ago•RocketeerAndRollthis has been helping me with my anxiety...nothing else seems to help and I am not going to use anti depressants7 months ago•4DrowndSoda+RocketeerAndRoll While I do recognize that every person is different so experiences may vary tremendously, I suffer from anxiety as well and even panic disorder, so I wanted to share my experience(s) with you because, well, who knows? Maybe they can help! =) So, during my "research" into sound healing and the benefits of binaural beats, isochronic tones, etc. I've read time and time again that the gamma frequencies(as in this particular clip) are supposedly related to anxiety and panic disorders, as in, anxious people like you and I typically have a lot more gamma activity in the brain than your average person who does not suffer from these disorders. Because of this, beta and alpha frequencies may offer you more help with your anxiety than the gamma, I recommend trying those out =) Theta is good for meditation(self awareness/inquiry goes a LONG way IME; it's indispensable for those who want to get healthy, especially if you are not currently undergoing any type of counselling, therapy, etc.). Delta frequencies can help put you to sleep during times when your mind is racing, etc. and insomnia takes over. They really are fantastic! I hope this helps a little =) Good luck and take care!5 months ago•1Olavo Oisi (Outwish)Funny fact about this is that I accidentally slept while listening/meditating to this, and I had a very crazy dream, and after waking up I felt something strange happening to my brain and I somehow felt that my reaction time to everything was kinda a lot faster lol10 months ago•9Clay Roscoe ClausI encourage you good people to sing while listening to binaural beats and isochronic tones, as this will allow you to vary the frequency produced in your mind, allowing you to produce the desired experience. Life is precious. We must pray and mediate often to find the light in our souls. I love you all.1 year ago•14Lazaros Vasiliadisi can do this without singing5 days ago•DrowndSoda+Clay Roscoe Claus Agreed! Also, chanting and/or humming is seemingly just as useful; it definitely deepens and varies the experience(for me, anyways!).5 months ago•1Jihad Gentiledicklove you too1 year ago•Dan OpdykeI actually stated having a conversation with my subconscious mind. This is an excellent tool for connecting to the subconscious mind at a conscious level similar to lucid dreaming.11 months ago•2Catseye713My cat is purring as we listen to this, Binaurals are good for our furbabies too, it would seem.8 months ago•Kaxin WongSorry,i would like to ask you, this music will be cause damage to our brain?thank u.9 months ago•travis hollstenI thought it was necessary for the isolated ear to perceive pulsation1 year ago•kritim25awesome, thanks for the elaborate info :)
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