Wi-Fi Advanced Settings
802.11 Authentication
Auto: It is a default WEP authentication. If this option is selected, Shared Key or Open System is automatically selected.
Open System: You can authenticate successfully with a SSID, whether it is valid or empty.
Shared Key: The Wi-Fi clients who have the same WEP key with Mobile Wi-Fi can pass the authentication and access the wireless network.
Encryption Mode
No Encryption: Your wireless network is open to everyone without authentication and encryption, and this option is not recommended.
Wireless Equivalent Privacy(WEP): It is a 64-bit or 128-bit encryption method with user configurable fixed keys.
Wi-Fi Protected Access(WPA): It is a 256-bit encryption method with keys changing automatically.
WPA2: It is the securer version of WPA with implementation of the 802.11i standard.
WPA Pre-Shared Key
Enter the Pre-Shared key as a plain text (ASCII) pass-phrase of at least 8 characters.
Network Key
Enter 5 ASCII characters or 10 hexadecimal digits for a 64-bit key; enter 13 ASCII characters or 26 hexadecimal digits for a 128-bit key.
Current Network Key
The default WEP key for data encryption. You had better set the same default key for AP and clients.
If you are connected to the device over Wi-Fi and change any settings here, you will be disconnected. You may need to recreate the connection to use Wi-Fi again.