For Tshwane River water, coliphage counts ranged between
9.3 and 54 pfu/ml where E. coli strain WG4 was used, and
between 4.5 and 16.5 pfu/ml where strain K12 was used (Table 4).
These counts were above 1 pfu/100 ml, which is the maximum
recommended limit for no risk (DWAF, 1996). These results
suggest the possible viral contamination of the water source and
thus, a serious health risk to consumers. The results also indicated
that E. coli strain WG4 yielded more coliphage counts than K12.
For Lefatlheng Well water, Matlaisane groundwater, Tlhaloganyo
rain water and Tlhaloganyo groundwater, no coliphages
were isolated from any of the samples analysed (Table 5). The
viral quality of these water sources, as indicated by coliphage
counts, was acceptable. None of these four water sources posed
any health risk to consumers in terms of this water quality