1. Create histogram for ci from manipulated data set
2. Create box plot for ci from all manipulated data set and interpret the plot
3. Create histogram for ci for cow lactation =2 and cow lactation = 4
4. Create boxplot for ci for cow lactation =1 and cow lactation = 2and interpret the plot
5. Calculate mean, standard deviation, standard error, variance, median and mode for ci from manipulated data set
6. Calculate mean, standard deviation, standard error, variance, median and mode for ci from manipulated data set for cow lactation=1 and cow lactation=2.
7. Compare the different in calving interval between cow lactation=1 and cow lactation=2
7.1 set research question
7.2 set statistical hypothesis
7.3 do statistics test
7.4 check for all assumption of such statistics test
7.5 Interpret and conclude the result
7.6 If assumptions are not met, provide your suggestion