balloons are used to mark special occasions or brighten up a day for young and old people lie put ballons weren't alway so delightful in earlier days they were made of dried animal blatter's a bit of an unpleasant concept in the nineteenth century some one invented a rubber balloon which we still use today the started mass-producing ballons in the 1930s and to day they're everywhere to make balloons the poured into a tank of latex the filter though cheesecloth to remove any the proud cheesecloth to remove any agitators at the bottom of the tank mix it up for 15 or 16 hour this distributes the caller and it also keep the latex active so it doesn't congealed here all of balloons come in fifty three different shades who nozzle spray hot water onto pallone froms to claim them as they move on a system overall urs who them flips a fixture then flips and eps the forms into a tank of coagulant . that carries an electrochemical charge which will attract the colored latex of he on top of this fixture he informs fleshly dipped in blue latex . bellow are on top of this fixture he informs freshy dipped in blue latex. while below attend for love latex rises. burning more froms on the underside buy
he the job done the fixture flips back moving the balloon froms to an upright position
while below another informs take the plunge . the late text as a rise quickly conveyor moves forward toward the balloon froms.
spiraling brushes
the brushes role of the bottoms up the balloons creating works
the live so make it possible for people to grip the balloons in order to inflate them here