Today, satellite and internet television have made the lives of people today have more comfort. That’s cause people in society to communicate more easily and quickly has made many things easier. The use of information and communication technologies to provide benefits in various. Include access to satellite and internet television are very helpful to students ,but that access have advantage and disadvantage.
There are four main advantages to having satellite and internet television. Firstly, that’s source of technical information for example research, entertainment, medical and everything interesting , etc. Secondly, students can use the Internet to communicate with other schools and universities to find out information about studying. Thirdly,
Tele-education makes it possible for people who are far away or not to be able to receive education, as well as those who live in cities, and electronic tutorials and increase opportunities for learning, blindness or ear. Finally, facilitate quick communication is not limited to time and location as well as individuals and respond to the needs of learners and instructors that aren’t available on time.
On the other hand, there are significant problems with the use of satellite and internet television. In the first place, Students are not able to feel the media, not to be aware of the feelings and reactions of the teachers really and Students need to learn to control themselves very well to be successful in learning. In addition , there may be obstacles in communication for instance, power failure , environmental conditions of learners do not lead to a lack of concentration in school. Lastly, Students must have the capital to buy the tools and equipment used in the study.
In couclusion ,I believe that , Access to satellite and internet television That's a good thing The people who do not have educational opportunities and those who are far not easy to study the way this is a good choice.