The means (SD) was calculated for all studied variables.
Differences between sexes were assessed using Student’s t-test with quantitative data where the data were normally
distributed, and using the the Mann–Whitney test other wise. The chi-squared test was used to assess differences in
the qualitative data. A two-way analysis of variance was
used to assess differences within the studied variables using
sex and whether or not the participants met the DRI of
vitamin D. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify
risk or protection factors, expressing the odd ratio (OR)
and the 95% confidence interval (CI). P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. As a result of the inter-correlation of EI with nutrients and because the percentage of
discrepancy between theoretical energy expenditure and
energy intake (under- or overestimation) was significantly
different among women and men, nutrient intakes were
adjusted for total EI, aiming to reduce the bias as a result
of individuals who under or over estimated their intake,
using a residual method (Willett et al., 1985; Willett &
Stampfer, 1986). All calculations were made using RSIGMA
BABEL software (Horus Hardware, Madrid, Spain).