of Mining in order to asses the
potential for employing such a concept as a remediation measure at the disused sulphide mine at Løkken in central Norway. A
number of batch experiments have been conducted in order to study a suspension system containing olivine flour and an acidic
synthetic mine water solution. The synthetic solution had an initial pH close to 3 and contained 15 mg/l copper, 50 mg/l zinc and
various amounts of iron. With iron present in the system, both the neutralisation isotherm and the retention isotherm exhibited an
initial rapid increase before separate pH and retention maxima were reached. After this stage, a gentle decrease was observed for
both parameters as a function of reaction time. This can be explained by the oxidation and precipitation of iron. With 250 mg/l of
iron in solution and a solid/solution ratio of 10 g/l, approximately 79% retention was obtained after 10 min of reaction time. During
the following desorption phase retention was significantly reduced. Further investigations are required in order to assess the
practical feasibility of the concept.