. You find some independence, hopefully
It’s not to say I wasn’t independent before I took my first trip alone, but until you have to organize and sort out everything on your own, make snap decisions on the road, stay on budget and basically take care of yourself without someone to lean on, you never are really independent, are you?
This is probably going to get me hate mail, but I have met sooooo many girls over the years who are dependent, needy, first-class clingers who are basically incapable of getting around without a friend, family member or boyfriend in tow. I’m sure you’ve seen it. Girls who are incapable of being alone.
Obviously I’ve met plenty of girls who are the opposite too, there’s a massive range, but the ones that stick in my mind are the ones who either blow me away with how strong they are, or the ones that I can’t really wrap my head around how they function day to day.