36 Transfer of knowledge may be the main objective of some assignments; in such cases, it shall be indicated in the TOR and, only with Bank prior no objection, may be given a higher weight to reflect its importance.
37 As reflected by the participation of nationals among key experts (whether presented by foreign or national firms), and calculated as the ratio of key national experts’ time (in person-months) to the total number of key experts’ time (in person-months) in the proposal.
38 Refer to Section IV on forms of contracts.
39 All indirect taxes levied on the contract invoices, at National, State (or Provincial), and Municipal levels, such as sales tax, VAT, excise tax, and similar taxes and levies.
40 Defining realistic proposal validity periods in the RFP and carrying out an efficient evaluation minimizes this risk.
41 Refer to Appendix 2 paragraph 1(p) for more details.