For the successful implementation of the proposed idea the network connectivity is a major challenge. The co-operation between the mobile network operators and automotive business is a key player here. However the structure between both the sectors are quite different for them to go hand-in-hand. The biggest gap will be the scope that is defined for both the business. The scope of business for an automotive company is worldwide whereas for a mobile network it is just limited to a particular country. For the same reason, a network that operates in India may not work in another region. So the car company cannot just make deal with a fixed mobile operator or so. Even in a country there may be local broadband network providers and some network provides who go everywhere within the country. Even the workflow for both the businesses are different. The development cycles are normally longer for the car companies and rapid for the network operators. A car may come with a 3G supporting software and the network operator may suddenly upgrade to the 4G support. Such rapid changes in the network industry has to be taken care when the selfdriving cars are going to get connected with the cloud.