Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 established, as a food safety criterion for tolerable levels of
Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods which do not support the growth of the pathogen or with
shelf life below 5 days, a maximum of 100 cfu g1
. Blue-veined cheeses are among these foods because
their rinds can be contaminated, and the pathogen can be transferred to the paste during slicing. The aim
of this research was to investigate whether cutting procedures could be responsible for cheese paste
contamination. Considering that the Commission Regulation limit is allowed when the pathogen does
not grow during the shelf life, we also wanted to verify whether, in the case of positive dragging,
L. monocytogenes was able to grow on cut slices beyond the limit imposed, thereby becoming a risk for
consumers during storage at 4 C. Gorgonzola cheese was chosen for this investigation. The cutting
simulation on artificially inoculated wheel rinds indicated that greater rind contamination corresponded
to a higher percentage of contaminated paste samples. The growth of L. monocytogenes transferred to cut
slices was variable relative to the physicochemical characteristics of the cheese, to the contamination
level and to the time of storage. In particular, the sweet typology was able to support the growth of
L. monocytogenes in the shelf life conditions considered and the quick overcoming of the limit imposed by
food safety criteria would not ensure the safety for consumption.
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 established, as a food safety criterion for tolerable levels ofListeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods which do not support the growth of the pathogen or withshelf life below 5 days, a maximum of 100 cfu g1. Blue-veined cheeses are among these foods becausetheir rinds can be contaminated, and the pathogen can be transferred to the paste during slicing. The aimof this research was to investigate whether cutting procedures could be responsible for cheese pastecontamination. Considering that the Commission Regulation limit is allowed when the pathogen doesnot grow during the shelf life, we also wanted to verify whether, in the case of positive dragging,L. monocytogenes was able to grow on cut slices beyond the limit imposed, thereby becoming a risk forconsumers during storage at 4 C. Gorgonzola cheese was chosen for this investigation. The cuttingsimulation on artificially inoculated wheel rinds indicated that greater rind contamination correspondedto a higher percentage of contaminated paste samples. The growth of L. monocytogenes transferred to cutslices was variable relative to the physicochemical characteristics of the cheese, to the contaminationlevel and to the time of storage. In particular, the sweet typology was able to support the growth ofL. monocytogenes in the shelf life conditions considered and the quick overcoming of the limit imposed byfood safety criteria would not ensure the safety for consumption.
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