The Lord has been faithful in granting me the strength, wisdom, knowledge and the
courage needed throughout the period of study. I am greatly indebted to my
supervisor Mr. Mirie Mwangi who believed in the topic of my research, gave me
guidance and advice throughout the project. Your direction, clarity and constructive
criticism enabled me give my very best. I am sincerely grateful for your time, effort
and patience throughout the course of this project.
My deep-heartfelt gratitude goes to my parents Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Muraguri and
siblings for their support in diverse forms. Special appreciation to my loving husband
Charles and lovely daughter Sydney. You have been patient, caring and supportive
throughout my study period. Am forever grateful. My most sincere appreciation to all
Gikomba market traders who participated in filling out my questionnaires. Your time
and effort is highly appreciated. Without you, this project would have been
incomplete. Finally, I say a big thank you to all who contributed in diverse ways in