The love of a woman, the vast sky over the ocean. And will remain so with the passage of time. The love that this girl has to I never fell. But I never care in this love won"t obey, the woman of my life to take care of me, my heart is beating up to now. The woman who loves me the most. Ready to do anything for me without expecting anything in return. We might have heard the saying that "this girl to do it all, she must not whatever hope we are good", but the truth. Whether I is not a good person, never make you proud. But no matter how bad? She was ready to embrace me, never send me. I may not ในสายตาใคร, but for this person. I have value, and for me, she is as well. This woman is my mother. You give me everything. Without expecting anything in return. Not really. I I"m very sorry, mom. What I used to do bad things I ever make you cry. What I make you suffer. I bow my feet Thank you all the things my mother. I live because of her mother who loves me very much. "I love you."The son of the mother.
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