the Moca test was used in this study to measure cognitive function because of its high correlation (r=.87)with the MMSE and its greater sensitive than the MMSE in distinguishing normal controls from ones who have a mild cognitive impairment(MCI)both are thirty point scales and both tests score the majority of normal and AD patient in the same score range. the average cognitive change which occurred in the control group was a decline of .89 points on the MoCA while an improvement of 2.58 points occurred in th=he treatment group.althoug the decline in the control group did not fall within the average 6 month rate of decline identified by burback et al,it did fall within the range noted by behal et al of .4-2.0. the treatment appears to have reversed the natural history of cognitive decline and has no troublesome side effects. according to jaeschke,singer&guyatt,this suggests a mandate for change in patient manament. it must be noted that while the MoCA and MMSE teses are very similar,the expected decline relates to points on the MMSE test.