From a theoretical perspective, our results suggest that articulation of WOM
impacts the sender’s self-enhancement irrespective of its valence. However, the
effect of P-WOM and N-WOM on the sender’s self-enhancement depends to a
large extent on the type of social audience. Our finding that the effect of N-WOM
on the sender’s self-enhancement is stronger when it is articulated to the sender’s
strong ties is consistent with prior literature, which suggests that senders are more
likely to expect benefits by sharing negative news with their close others than with
their distant others (Weenig et al., 2001). A plausible explanation is that N-WOM
behaviour is other focused; thus, a WOM sender may expect to derive psychological
benefits after warning close others about an unsatisfactory service provider, helping
them avoid a potentially erroneous purchase decision.
From a theoretical perspective, our results suggest that articulation of WOMimpacts the sender’s self-enhancement irrespective of its valence. However, theeffect of P-WOM and N-WOM on the sender’s self-enhancement depends to alarge extent on the type of social audience. Our finding that the effect of N-WOMon the sender’s self-enhancement is stronger when it is articulated to the sender’sstrong ties is consistent with prior literature, which suggests that senders are morelikely to expect benefits by sharing negative news with their close others than withtheir distant others (Weenig et al., 2001). A plausible explanation is that N-WOMbehaviour is other focused; thus, a WOM sender may expect to derive psychologicalbenefits after warning close others about an unsatisfactory service provider, helpingthem avoid a potentially erroneous purchase decision.
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