Food packaging technology is continuously evolving in response to
growing challenges from a modern society. Major current and future
challenges to fast-moving consumer goods packaging include legisla-
tion, global markets, longer shelf life, convenience, safer and healthier
food, environmental concerns, authenticity, and food waste (Kerry,
2014). Every year a growing amount of edible food is lost along the
entire food supply chain. Annual food waste generation estimates in
Europe are around 89 million tonnes varying considerably between
individual countries and the various sectors (European Commission,
2012a). Spoilage of raw meat along the food supply chain (production,
retailers, consumers) represents a loss which could be as high as 40%
(Sperber, 2010). Packaging optimisation strategies such as varying
pack sizes to help consumers buy the right amount, and designing
packaging to maintain food quality and increase its shelf life have
been proposed to reduce food waste