Vaccination Rates and Experiences
The currbnt vaccination uptake rate was 58.5%. They received
the vaccination at about 2-8 months prior. About
J.)o/o rcporaed postvaccination discomfort including fever,
headache, fatigue, rash, swelling of the injection site, cough,
and transient loss of voice. About 17.6% of participants reported
getting influenza even a-fter ttrey had been vaccinated.
Only about one third of participants (363yA reported intention
to get the next annual vaccination. Most participants obtained
information about influenza vaccination from the mass
medra (6L.1%o) or from healthcare professionals (&.VA.
Vaccination Rates and ExperiencesThe currbnt vaccination uptake rate was 58.5%. They receivedthe vaccination at about 2-8 months prior. AboutJ.)o/o rcporaed postvaccination discomfort including fever,headache, fatigue, rash, swelling of the injection site, cough,and transient loss of voice. About 17.6% of participants reportedgetting influenza even a-fter ttrey had been vaccinated.Only about one third of participants (363yA reported intentionto get the next annual vaccination. Most participants obtainedinformation about influenza vaccination from the massmedra (6L.1%o) or from healthcare professionals (&.VA.
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