TIK IMMIGRATION LAWYER Immigration Law APPROVED CONTRACT LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT Approved by UK Horder Agency Mr. Mark Campbell No 80 Bedford Street City of Westminster London WC2N, United Kingdom. Date: 07/12/2015 Dear: Applicant LETTER OF OFFER We would like to offer you the position of a Nanni to our client The terms and conditions of the joh are as follows: Hours You will be required to work far approximately 22 hours per week. Every weekend, will be spent with the family or anywhere as you would have the weekends off Accommodation: You would have a Private Live-Out or In Accommodation depending on your preference with Private Bathroom. Sitting Room and Bedroom. Your room would also be furnished with a Television Set. an Internet Ready Computer System and a Fixed Landline telephone. We ask that all rooms be kept tidy and that friends staying over should only do so with our permission. If we go out as a family, you will generally be invited to come with us at our expense) should you so choose Salary You will be paid an amount of 2500 Two uhousand five hundred pounds sterling) per month and an additional £400 weekly pocket money. Additional hours will be paid at a rate that we may agree between ourselves from time to time. Start Date and Period of Employment You are expected to start on the as soon as you arrive here and to stay for a minimum period you want. If due to circumstances beyond your control or for any other reason, you wish to leave at an earlier date than