In a random survey of 32 feed compounders and feed consultants, the mean daily intakes of vitamin E (mg/day) in the United States were 750 when dry, 1080 at parturition and between 450 and 590 in lactation, compared with NRC (1988) allowances of 150, 150 and 240^375 respectively. In the United Kingdom, good-quality mineral/vitamin mixtures for dairy cows 484 given at 100^150 g/day during winter feeding provide 3.0^4.5 mg Se/day and 150^225 mg vitamin E/day. A magnesium-rich mixture intended for cows at grass would provide 2.5^3.8 mg Se/day and 30 mg vitamin E/day (J. Twigg, personal communication, 1999). A commonly used compound feed given at 1^2 kg/day in pregnancy and at 5 kg/day in lactation might contain added supplementary amounts of 2 mg Se/day and 120 mg vitamin E/day in pregnancy and 3 mg Se/day with 150 mg vitamin E/day in lactation.