Introduction-Problem: The present employee Mary Jane was employed for the position of a pharmacist on January 20, 2005. Her professional performance has been better then just satisfactory, without any serious complaints from the side of the clients for the first six-month of her work. Miss Jane has lately been using her working time for taking care of issues, which have no relation to the specifics of her work. This primarily concerns the usage of the telephone line. The amount of incoming calls for Ms. Jane has significantly grown. This fact prevents Ms. Jane from performing her working duties on the required level. It distracts Ms. Jane from her direct work, which requires special attention and centrality. I have personally repeatedly witnessed Ms. Jane talking on the phone during her working hours in August.
After an informal talk nothing changed. The fact of Ms. Jane’s unprofessional behavior has been especially witnesses by Mr. Jacobs, the company’s part-time pharmacist’s assistant. According to his words, on the duration of the second working week of September (lasting from the 5th till the 11th), Ms. Jane has spend 40% of her working time on the telephone discussing matters without any relation to her work as a pharmacist. Mr. Jacob also confirmed the fact that on September 7, Ms. Jane received a telephone call, which lasted for at least an hour. Mr. Jacobs has also personally answered the telephone and the calls were often personal calls directed to Ms. Jane. Ms. Jane has been using the working telephone line for solving her personal issues leaving all the working routine of the assistant.
Problem results in: The productivity of Ms. Jane’s work has noticeably decreased in comparison with her previous results. Ms. Jane’s calls interrupt the workflow and therefore influence the competitiveness of the company making it weaker. The company respects the right of any given employee to receive personal calls, but this time is limited to the maximum of 30 minutes per day, excluding the emergency cases connected with the health condition of the members of the employee’s family. The policy of the company is also directed to provide the best quality of service to the clients. As it has been already mentioned a pharmacist is a kind of job, which requires full concentration from the employee. Ms. Jane’s distractions resulted in her making numerous small mistakes, especially in the database, which caused misunderstandings with important clients. These mistakes decrease the company’s professionalism in the eyes of the clients, which leads the potential clients away. Another important aspect to mention is the safety aspect. Ms. Jane is responsible for drugs that are rather dangerous and should not appear in the hands of the wrong people. Lack of attention may have fatal results for any wrong patient. The morality of the whole company suffers from such irresponsible attitude to work, as other employees watch Ms. Jane and might think it is normal to act in such a way. Two important clients: Mr. Morrison and Mrs. Moses after Ms. Jane’s behavior have preferred another drug-company. All of the above automatically mean loss to the company’s average profit. The prestige of the service is damaged and as the company strives for making the clients come back over and over again it is unsubstantial to leave Ms. Jane’s behavior at the same point.
Corrective Employee action: Ms. Jane needs to change her working behavior in order to fit company’s policy towards its employees. Ms. Jane is required to fulfill the next actions in order to remain a pharmacist n our company: she should not receive more than 2 calls per day with the duration of no more than 5 minutes each. Any additional calls should be discussed with the manager. Ms. Jane also gets a personal supervisor (one of the company’s respected employees) who will watch her work and evaluate the results of her work every three days.
Conclusion: Time to improve: As the problem is rather easily solved and completely depends on the will of Ms. Mary Jane, the deadline for the expected improvement is two weeks:September 21 – October 5, 2005(none of the dates can be discussed or changed).If problem continues, more severe disciplinary action may result in: If the problem continues Ms. Jane will be reduced to the position of an assistant. Without a possibility to get her pharmacist position back sooner than in three months. After that the only disciplinary action applied to Ms. Mary Jane is getting her fired from her position with a “reference” to her insufficient professionalism