of 8 schools, 6 in Bremen and 2 in Bremerhaven, gave their
consent. The schools include both school forms offered in
the region: schools offering up to the 10th grade and those
offering up to the 12th or 13th grade.
The teachers, parents of the students, as well as the
students themselves were provided with written information, including consent forms, about the study. Information
for parents was also provided in Turkish and Russian,
languages spoken by two major ethnic groups in Germany.
Students younger than 18 years old had to have signed
parental consent for them to take part in the survey.
According to data protection regulations, students aged
C18 years could only give information on parents’ education with signed parental consent. Consequently, not all
of them provided this information. The study was approved
by the ethics committee of the University of Bremen, the
Senator for Education, Science and Health, and the Data
Protection Officer for the State of Bremen.
of 8 schools, 6 in Bremen and 2 in Bremerhaven, gave theirconsent. The schools include both school forms offered inthe region: schools offering up to the 10th grade and thoseoffering up to the 12th or 13th grade.The teachers, parents of the students, as well as thestudents themselves were provided with written information, including consent forms, about the study. Informationfor parents was also provided in Turkish and Russian,languages spoken by two major ethnic groups in Germany.Students younger than 18 years old had to have signedparental consent for them to take part in the survey.According to data protection regulations, students agedC18 years could only give information on parents’ education with signed parental consent. Consequently, not allof them provided this information. The study was approvedby the ethics committee of the University of Bremen, theSenator for Education, Science and Health, and the DataProtection Officer for the State of Bremen.
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