Figure 7.9 Copepoda individuals are highlighted
in the red circle as observed under
the microscope.
As shown in Table 7.1, measurements range from a count
of 59.5 m3 to 112.2 m3 across all sampling points both in
front and behind the boom. It can be concluded that zooplankton
is not trapped by the floating barrier, confirming
hypothesis 3. Additionally, the population density at
both depths (2 m and 3 m) in front of the boom was shown
to be lower than the reference population density taken
at control points stating non-accumulation of planktons
and further strengthening our Hypothesis.
Nevertheless, these results may be biased due to turbulence
caused by the boat’s engine, which was used
to travel from one point to another during sampling, potentially
having disturbed the zooplankton communities.