Sedge meadows (or wet meadows) are wetlands with permanently or near-permanently saturated soils. They may form a transitional zone between marshes and other wetlands with less saturated soils, or occur in wet depressions and swales, or around groundwater discharge zones. The meadows are wet grasslands often dominated by sedges and grasses with relatively few forbs. They may be low in species diversity (with as few as a single dominant species), but relatively rich in some of the rarer species adapted to saturated soil conditions. There are very many sedge species, with characteristic dominants including the lake sedge, tussock sedge, or brown fox sedge. At the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, various rare and conservative sedges may be found, such as the brown bog sedge, fringed sedge, common yellow lake sedge, and Bebb's oval sedge, along with fringed brome and oval-stem spike rush. Birds frequenting this habitat include the King Rail, Sandhill Crane, Northern Harrier, and Sedge Wren. Reptiles such as the northern water snake and amphibians like the pickerel frog and cricket frog are also common.