Norms refer to gendered norms in the community. Certain
norms may preclude women’s participation even if participation is
possible under the given rules. Relevant norms that may preclude
women’s participation include gender segregation in the public
sphere (it may only be socially acceptable for men to participate in
meetings), norms involving the division of labor (where women
have many obligations and no time to attend meetings), or
gendered behavioral norms (men refuse to listen to women in
meetings or intimidate them from effective participation).
Social preferences refer to the preferences those with forest
management responsibilities have over the types of people for
which they allow effective participation. For example, input from
those with little education or illiteracy may not be taken seriously
by leaders in forest management. If women tend to be less literate
or have less education then they will be less likely to participate as
their views will not be heard or fairly considered.