To evaluate sensitivity to ethylene, cut flowers were treatedwith 0 or 5 mM AVG (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) for 4 h at23◦C, 70% RH under 10 mol m−2s−1PPFD, and the flowers werethen transferred to 0 or 1% ethanol solution and placed in one of two70 L transparent acrylic chambers held at 23◦C under continuouslight at 10 mol m−2s−1PPFD. Pure ethylene (GL Sciences, Tokyo,Japan) was introduced through the septum to produce a concentra-tion of 0.2 or 2 L L−1. The flowers were photographed every 1 h bydigital camera. Sensitivity to ethylene was evaluated based on thetime from the start of ethylene treatment to the time when petalsshowed inward rolling or wilting.