Our test set is composed by 15 snapshots of 8 different
1024-bit CQR Codes, which makes a total of 120 im-
ages. The printed versions of the codes have the size of
1.3 cm × 1.3 cm, resulting on a transmission capacity of
approximately 605 bits/cm 2 . The images were captured by
a mobile phone with a 3.2 megapixel built-in digital camera
under different illumination conditions. Currently, mobile
phones with built-in camera are wildly used to recognize
conventional QR codes [9]. Table I summarizes the results.
All 15 snapshots of codes 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 were correctly
decoded. On the other hand, for CQR Code 3 and 6 the
performance was not as good. One of the snapshots for code
3 and two for code 6 were not correctly decoded. However,
it is possible to observe that the average error rates are only
5.49% and 14.83%, respectively, which are way below the
38.41% Reed-Solomon error-correction capacity. In other
words, the vast majority of the captured CQR Codes was
consistently decoded. Figure 11 shows the snapshots that
presented the highest symbol error rate for each CQR Code
in the test set.
Our test set is composed by 15 snapshots of 8 different1024-bit CQR Codes, which makes a total of 120 im-ages. The printed versions of the codes have the size of1.3 cm × 1.3 cm, resulting on a transmission capacity ofapproximately 605 bits/cm 2 . The images were captured bya mobile phone with a 3.2 megapixel built-in digital cameraunder different illumination conditions. Currently, mobilephones with built-in camera are wildly used to recognizeconventional QR codes [9]. Table I summarizes the results.All 15 snapshots of codes 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 were correctlydecoded. On the other hand, for CQR Code 3 and 6 theperformance was not as good. One of the snapshots for code3 and two for code 6 were not correctly decoded. However,it is possible to observe that the average error rates are only5.49% and 14.83%, respectively, which are way below the38.41% Reed-Solomon error-correction capacity. In otherwords, the vast majority of the captured CQR Codes wasconsistently decoded. Figure 11 shows the snapshots thatpresented the highest symbol error rate for each CQR Codein the test set.
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