Thank you for sending me your assignment. Over all you did a good job.
You followed a structure while answering your questions but it would have been better to use clear subheadings and structure every subpart in itself. Learn to focus on the questions only and try not to get off the point. Beside this you must learn to quote and to mention your references in the right way. The reader must be able to follow every statement and information you give.
Try to structure your personal opinion in a better way. Furthermore I strongly recommend you to keep your mind open and create your own opinion. Don`t just follow what`s written in the books, magazines or websites.
Being a good student also means to build your own opinion, create your own ideas and finding new solutions for existing problems.
In the future learn more for your examination so you will achieve a better grade.
There are big chances in Thailand for well-educated people. Keep on working hard so you will be able to achieve your goals.
I personally wish you all the very best for your future and hope you will succeed in life in the way you want.