Bank : Hay! Toey. How was your class today?
Toey : Hi! Bank. That was so. Because I didn’t get everything.
Bank : What’s wrong? Why don’t you get it?
Toey : Because today my father getting pick and he stay at home alone.So I didn’t listen anything when teacher taught. I gust worried about him. I couldn’t get it out of my mind.
Bank : Ahh I get the feeling that you didn’t want to study that time and you
want get home.
Toey : Yes and I want to get off class early but teacher told me that we had quiz after class and I just finished that quiz now.
Bank : So now you have to get going to home right?
Toey : Of cause yes.
Bank : Umm. Can I go to visit your father with you? I finished class now.
Toey : Yes, but I think you get to know my father doesn’t like smell of perfume.
Bank : Ahh. I forget it I hope your father get through this moment soon. Bye.
Toey : See you.